About Psychological Astrology

Psychological astrologers work with your birth chart, which is unique to you and which shows us where the planets, luminaries and stars were located at the time of your birth. This ‘map’ of your psyche reveals the patterns, themes and stories you bring with you and how they unfold throughout your life.

The Zodiac holds the great myths and archetypes of our civilisation, stories that reverberate in us to this day. Working with you and your birth chart, we can begin to understand how the ‘stories of the skies’ connect with your own. We can begin to honour and work with the cycles of time.

The gifts of Astrology are many:

  • Becoming better equipped to make conscious decisions, and use practical skills that will support your physical, mental and emotional wellbeing
  • Understanding your life’s purpose and finding meaning
  • Finding clarity about your situation
  • Time to listen to the calling of your soul, to make the journey home to yourself
  • Experiencing a living connection with the great teachers and archetypes in your horoscope

“That which is above is from that which is below, and that which is below is from that which is above."

-The Emerald Tablet

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